Are Ragdoll Cats Good With Kids

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are ragdoll cats good with kids

Isn’t it nice when small children can grow up with animals? Many families, at least, see it that way – and set out to find the “perfect” child-friendly pet. The Ragdolls would actually be perfect for this. 

Ragdoll cat and kids usually get along great. Nevertheless, there are some things to consider when a child meets a pet.

Ragdoll Cat and Kids: Factors That Play a Role

Of course, it makes a difference, whether a Ragdoll cat and kids played together since birth because the breeder had some herself. Or whether they get an older cat from the shelter, which had no relationship with children so far. So there is no guarantee that a kid and Ragdoll will get along great from the first minute. How well they get along depends on the personalities of the cats and children, but also on you as the pet owner. 

ragdoll cat and kids

What do you allow the children to “do” with the cat? How much time do you take care of? What is your educational philosophy with the kid and cat respectively? And so on…

Are Ragdolls Good With Babies?

With the adaptation of Ragdoll cats and babies, the situation is some more complicated. Unlike adults, babies have no feeling for what is good for the cat and what is not. How tightly may one “grip”? How to hug? Is it allowed to pull the tail? And why should you not hit them? Because the Ragdolls are almost like a cuddly toy, babies sometimes treat them like one. And the Ragdoll, because of its gentle nature, lets a lot be done to it – but just not everything. She is still a cat that can fight back when things get too much for her.

are ragdolls good with babies

5 Tips for Families with Ragdoll Cats and Children

Are ragdoll cats are good with children depends on you. So if you want to bond your pet with a kid, you should be careful and take a few precautions. Follow the next tips that will help you to take care of it.

Tip 1. Romping – But With Caution

Especially small kittens are very playful and very active. At the same time, this means that when they romp with the children, they can (unintentionally) extend their claws and hurt the kid. This can also happen if the babies touch them too roughly, pull their tails or something similar. Even though Ragdoll cats are considered very “tolerant” when it comes to touching, etc., this does not mean that you can and should do anything with them! Therefore: always keep an eye on Ragdoll cat and kids. And do this until the child has learned to recognize the cat’s boundaries and respect them.

Tip 2. Always Keep An Eye On Child And Cat

As an adult, you should always be there when the child is with the cat and always tell the kid directly when it is time to leave the cat alone or not to hug it too tightly, etc. Children should learn about and respect these boundaries from the beginning. Give them toys to play with and show the best way to play with the kitties. This will also help the kids build a bond with the Ragdoll cats.

Tip 3. Create A Safe Space For The Cat

The Ragdoll cat needs to retreat when it feels uncomfortable or even threatened. Create some small dens, perhaps slightly higher up that small children can’t get to them. A sturdy cat tree that the Ragdoll cat can “escape” to when things get too much for her definitely helps a lot.

Tip 4. Do Not Overstress The Ragdoll

Whole flocks of kids should not be let loose directly on the Ragdoll cats. Too much noise and excitement at once, can overwhelm them. Also, teach children that cats don’t always want to play, but sometimes just want to have their quiet time and sleep. And older cats may not have the same play instinct as younger ones. The kids should not be disappointed then.

Tip 5. Recognize Boundaries

As an owner you will get to know the limits of your cat with time. Someone could trust you blindly in every respect, can be picked up practically anytime, and can be cuddled for hours. On the other hand, some Ragdolls become more trusting only over time, but are rather “on guard”, especially in the beginning and could be a bit overwhelmed with small children and too much affection. For this type of cat, you should give them all the time she needed to make a Ragdoll more friendly to people.

are ragdoll cats good with children


Not all Ragdolls are the same. Despite their gentle, good-natured character, which gets along well with small children, every kitty is an individual. But Ragdoll cats will be good with kids if you put in a little effort and care.